
How to register when you live in China

There is a separate registration procedure for our Chinese participants and those who wish to submit an abstract.  

Please copy the text fields below into an e-mail body, answer the questions in English only, and send us your registration by e-mail with the subject line:  ‘GPCRForum Registration China

Send your email to:


中国与会者和希望提交摘要的与会者需单独注册。请将以下文本框复制到电子邮件正文中,仅用英文回答问题,并将您的注册信息通过电子邮件发送给我们,邮件标题请注明:“GPCRForum Registration China”

Online Registration Form / 在线注册表

Email Address:

First and Last Name:


Affiliation / Industry:

Country of Residence:

Position (e.g., Post-doc, Group leader, PhD researcher, etc.):

Are you an ECI (<8 years from the PhD/doctorate OR under the age of 40)? Yes / No

I consent to receive important email notifications for this event from  Yes / No

Abstract Submission / 提交摘要

Please copy the text fields below into an email body, answer the questions in English only, and submit your abstract by e-mail with the subject line:  ‘GPCRForum Abstract China

Send your email to:

请将以下文本框复制到电子邮件正文中,仅用英文回答问题,并通过电子邮件提交摘要,邮件主题请注明:“中国 GPCR 论坛摘要”。


Email Address:

First and Last Name:


Affiliation  / Industry:

Country of Residence:

Position (e.g., Post-doc, Group leader, PhD researcher, etc.):

Are you an ECI (<8 years from the PhD/doctorate OR under the age of 40)? Yes / No

Title of your abstract:

List of authors & affiliations:

Abstract (insert text with max. 300 words): 

Please indicate if you would like your abstract to be considered for a flash talk. Yes / No

I agree that my name and title appear in the public program on the website. Yes / No

I agree that my talk will be recorded and can be viewed publicly on the GPCR forum website. Yes / No